Boca Raton Fixed Arched

Boca Raton Fixed Arched


The fixed arched window with a unique shape in the interior is manufactured in select mahogany and painted white.

Since 1992 BELLINI MASTERCRAFT windows are manufactured with precise craftsmanship utilizing select Honduras Mahogany lumber procured from responsibly controlled forests.


Diameter 34"
Thickness: 2 3/4"


Tested for forced entry, water infiltration, Impact, and Hurricane cycling, the "Impact Mahogany Casement Window" is rated as the strongest Wood Window in the market today.

The Strength and integrity in the composition and manufacturing of the Impact Wood Window protects the Coastal Homes and the Caribbean Islands. Fitted with laminated Insulated Glass, the Impact Wood Window will protect the homes in the mainland from cold weather, the wrath of winter or the heat of summer storms. The Impact Mahogany Window is a strong deterrent from any noise or attempted forced entry.

Contact us for a free consultation on custom mahogany doors & windows